Windows7 Calculator download last version

Windows7 Calculator download last version

Equipped with a large variety of methods to help you out with numbers, this powerful application can aid you both with home and business activities, Since the computer provides aid in various fields of activity, it can host powerful and simple tools to get you out of sticky situations, such as a calculator, As compared to its predecessors, the Windows7 Calculator is a much more powerful application. 

providing several other tools besides the one for basic math operations, Powerful tool wrapped in a friendly package

With a very user-friendly interface and highlighted numbers for those who can't get along with the keyboard numpad. 

Windows7 Calculator provides four different modes that can be activated either from a dedicated menu or quicker using the keyboard shortcuts.

Multiple calculation methods, Windows7 Calculator can be used in standard mode, scientific, programmer or statistics. 

Each with its very own extras and useful features. Beside these useful modes, Windows7 Calculator hides some other utilities under the “Options” menu where you can find a date calculator utility. 

Multiple templates and a unit conversion utility, Suitable for home and business activities, While the date calculator allows you to find out the duration between two periods or add / subtract a period of time. 

The templates section lends you a hand when trying to calculate gas mileage, as well as lease, mortgage and wage estimation, Last but not least. 

The unit conversion utility supports a wide array of units, including angle, area, energy, length, mass, power, pressure, temperature, time, velocity and volume.

Accessible to a large public, It's pretty obvious that all these features work flawlessly and the footprint on hardware resources is just minimum. 

Not to mention that the comprehensive help file includes tons of options on every single feature within the app.

Download Windows7 Calculator


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