Q-Dir 6.49.7 download last version

Q-Dir 6.49.7 download last version

Choosing to manually clean your computer or sort out files of various types can be a pain and a time-consuming process. However, it all becomes a lot easier with the help of specialized applications such as Q-Dir. It gives you the possibility to manage files and folders from a single window, for a more practical approach on file management.

Lightweight with a quick deployment, The application comes in an incredibly light package, the setup process taking roughly a couple of seconds from the moment you press “Install”, Moreover, it does not put any pressure on your computer, because it takes up little space on your hard disk drive and uses a barely noticeable amount of resources.

The interface is kept simple, with the upper toolbar providing necessary navigation buttons, all other features being found under the file menu so that it does not make the design feel crowded.

Customizable navigation panels, You are able to split the workspace in up to 4 different panels for an enhanced experienced. There are several preset layouts you can select and even have them resized to suit your needs. 

Additionally, the application lets you open new tabs, so to each of the existing explorer panels you can add as many tabs as you consider, greatly enhancing possibilities, Manage your files with a few clicks.

All default context menu options are available so you can manage your files, The computer's power options are also put at your disposal, Moreover, you can enable a tree view of your disk drive for each of the explorer panels.

Download Q-Dir 6.49.7 


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