Notepad2 4.2.25 / 5.0.26 Beta 4 download last version

Notepad2 4.2.25 / 5.0.26 Beta 4 download last version

A small and fast editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages, Notepad is a simple and small text editing tool that's always been easy-to-use and accessible to all types of  users.

Notepad2 is a an application that gets installed over the classic Notepad and tries to bring to the table a couple of improvements such as syntax highlighting.

Search and replace for regular expressions or the ability to open shell links,Speed and ease of use are the main strong points of Notepad.

the program's second version keeps these two major features and adds something on the side, such as syntax highlighting.

This is done quite easily from the View menu, where you can select from one of the available schemes.

Syntax highlighting is available for XML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, C/C++, Perl, Python and other coding languages.

Another feature that can come in handy is the ability to drag and drop text. Simply put, with the help of this feature you can copy your text from one location into Notepad2 and vice-versa, just like in Microsoft Word.

Rectangular selection is also possible now. With the help of the Alt button and your left mouse click you can select your text under the form of a rectangle.

Word Wrap function has been preserved and more than that, now you can edit the wrap settings. You are also able to zoom in and out of your text and add indentation guides.


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