Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.56 download last version

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.56 download last version

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a software that can help you optimize your computer by uninstalling programs and key repair Windows registry, In the "General Tools" tab, you can uninstall programs (and use a search function), start a monitor configuration, configure programs that run automatically at startup, start a "Service Manager" and operate more Quick on her own Web browsers, Trash, run history, recent documents and temporary files.

You can also hide, show, sort and clean items in the Start menu, eliminate sources and manage "Control Panel." Also, you can find duplicate files, file compression applied directly, use a shredder to delete files beyond (browsing history, cookies manager, addons, browser tool temporary Internet files recovery and Internet access).

In addition, you can clean, optimize, backup and restore your entries in the Windows registry, view reports on installed programs, installation logs, applications startup, services and sources, and configure automatic timers and create shortcuts to specific tools.

The program takes a moderate amount of system resources, help file includes a well written and no pop-up errors during our tests, Since it is very easy to work with, we recommend Advanced Uninstaller PRO to all users.

Download Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.56


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