Portable HWiNFO64 4.48.2350 download last version

Portable HWiNFO64 4.48.2350 download last version

This is the portable version of HWiNFO64 is a program that provides comprehensive information on the inner workings of the system, Since the installation is not required, you can store HWiNFO64 an external device, plug it into any computer and run the executable file directly, What is more important is the fact that the Windows registry entries remain intact.

The program interface is simple and intuitive. After initialization, HWiNFO64 automatically checks for updates online. In addition, you can view a summary of the system, So you can find information when it comes to the CPU, motherboard memory bus monitor, units, audio and network ports.

In addition, you can analyze your current sensors and finding the minimum and maximum size and, with temperature (switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit) and others, In addition, you can configure the sensor (for example, add all the items on the shelf, enable support for the sidebar and warning), export the log file in CSV format and restore maximum and minimum values.

In addition, you can create a full report and export it to a text file log, HTML, XML or other formats, copy a line or results, and modify the program options (for example, set the IDE drive scan mode, the CPU clock measurement, sensors or minimize the main window on startup, disable automatic update). 

The settings can be restored to their default values at any time, Light Tool requires a low to moderate amount of system resources, including a brief help file and ran smoothly in our tests, We did not find any difficulty and recommend HWiNFO64 Portable to all users.

Download Portable HWiNFO64 4.48.2350


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